Thursday, August 28, 2008

Radiohead - In Rainbows

Seventh album, seven colours...In Rainbows was released in October 2007. The psychedelic rock group is known for their melodious vocals, which pushes you to a totally different psychological mood. The English Rock group are known for their falsettos & metaphorical lyrics which is evident in this album

The album consists of ten rhythmic songs, each giving a distinct flavor. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi', 'All I Need', 'Jigsaw Falling into Place' and 'Videotape'; each transcends your musical experience. The band shows their magic with words, which is witnessed in 'I'm an animal, Trapped in your hot car', a line from 'All I Need'. Thom Yorke has the knack to transfer the suffering, from his voice, to the listener; thus inducing a state of white heat.

Track List:

1. "15 Step"
2. "Bodysnatchers"
3. "Nude"
4. "Weird Fishes/Arpeggi"
5. "All I Need"
6. "Faust Arp"
7. "Reckoner"
8. "House of Cards"
9. "Jigsaw Falling into Place"
10. "Videotape"

The album topped the Billboard 200 and the UK music charts, selling 122,000 copies in the United States in its first week of official release. The first-of-a-kind online optional-pay download saw users paying an average of £4. Rob Sheffield, the acclaimed reviewer for the Rolling Stone, has described the album as "No wasted moments, no weak tracks: just primo Radiohead."

Emotive, numbing, abstract and romantically rich; four words summarize the album; In Rainbows is both a regression and progression of Radiohead......

Radiohead started out with the name 'On a Friday' but changed it later at the request of EMI.

Overall, a 4.25/5.0

Download Link:

Friday, August 15, 2008

Coldplay - Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends

The band, Coldplay, has always been known for its subtle but impactful music. But this time round, they've come out seemingly fresh. This is more like an Experimental album for them, none-the-less, an album which is currently being revered around the world (The album has, till date, been the number-one-selling album in 36 countries around the world).

A music fan, like me, would suddenly feel that Coldplay is trying to go the U2 way, trying to attain a more mature image with this new experimental product.

The album contains ten tracks, composed exquisitely different from one another, to make them sound completely diverse and as if belonging to the whole world & not just one region. The album is definitely something which has been conceived keeping the World in the foreground.

Track List:
  1. "Life in Technicolor"
  2. "Cemeteries of London"
  3. "Lost!"
  4. "42"
  5. "Lovers in Japan/Reign of Love"
  6. "Yes"
  7. "Viva la Vida"
  8. "Violet Hill"
  9. "Strawberry Swing"
  10. "Death and All His Friends"
Viva La Vida & Violet Hill have already been on air and loved by millions. Amongst the other tracks, the ones that really catch attention are Life in Technicolor, Lost, 42 & Cemeteries Of London. Chris Martin (lead vocalist) sounds almost enchanting, as ever.

The sounds (read Music Instruments, Chords, etc.) used in the tracks are not the usual Coldplay typos that one would be anticipating. Although, they definitely don't let anyone down.

A band, which can adapt with the changing times, which outgrows its own success, & which actually cares to explore its own attributes & bring out something new, is here, and it is Coldplay.

The album title is taken from a painting by Mexican artist, Frida Kahlo; although the album cover-art consists of 'Liberty Leading The People' in the background, a painting by 19th century Romantic artist, Eugene Delacroix.

Overall, 4.5/5.0

Download Link:

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


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